Yesterday, on Thanksgiving, it seemed half of the Bay Area was biking up Mount Hamilton, as was I for my first time. A bit out of shape, but I didn't do too badly (photo at the top of the mountain by J.Hadley):
It was a beautiful ride up and up and up ... seemingly never ending ... but at the top, after 4300' of climbing and over 18 miles, we were above the clouds with beautiful views of mist and clouds partially obscuring the hills with a brilliant white cover. The descent was not too pleasant with many cracks and potholes in the road, some wet curves and gravel and rocks in some places. But the descent was not part of the race and I could take it easy and enjoy the scenery. A very good start to the Thanksgiving weekend! See the link above for a more detailed description.
I highly recommend the Low-key Hillclimbs! With all my other activities and a trip to Norway (2 weeks ago), all I had time for was 2 of the 9 hill races. I zoomed up the short but super steep Bear Gulch a few weeks ago. The first time ever up that hill (notice the dude in the death ride jersey in the picture).
This year the Cornichons have been conspicuously absent in biking events. I did not do a single century, super-century, or deathly ride (although I debuted in several new types of events, such as a couple of swim races, a couple of running races, a couple of international distance triathlons). Next year, we should perhaps do more centuries, but also hope you will join me on the 2009 low-key hillclimbs!