Hmm, it's been a while since a posting, not due to lack of thoughts while cycling. Here's a specific recount, and maybe another entry is due with a general catch-up.
Last weekend was the Tierra Bella 2009. Steve Folkman, Rick, Rune and I were signed up for the 100 miler.
The Tierra Bella starts out of Gilroy, and goes all around the east and west sides of the valley down there. Avid readers will recall that Rune and I rode it two years ago in a rainstorm. This year, there's a new route, which substitues E. Dunne (to Henry Cow park) for Metcalf road, plus the route is clockwise, instead of counter-clockwise.
The weather was fantastic. There'd been a windstorm a few days before, but during the ride, there was but a gentle breeze, a cool morning, getting pretty warm (hot) by mid-day.
Due to a sad decline in his cat's health, Rick wasn't able to join us at all.
I arranged to pick up Steve and Rune early on the morning of the ride. While loading my bike, I noticed that the saddle was wobbly. I looked at it and decided that the metal rod had come loose from the rear on one side. It looked undesirable, but rideable.
Picked up S&R and we drove down to Gilroy. Took 101, which is apparently 5 minutes slower than 85 from Rune's house. No donuts or coffee.
We started out very smoothly. In fact, we set a very good early pace -- about 22mph, up and around Uvas resevoir and so on. It's fun, because at the beginning, everyone is checking each other out, and searching for just the right paceline to join.
At about 10 or 15 miles in, we stopped at a break area for a pee. I noticed that my saddle had gone from "wobbly" to "broken rail on one side." The rail had snapped at the attachment point to the seatpost. It all seemed to be holding together, so I figured I'd ride as far as I could.
On the next stretch, we were overtaken by a bigger, uber-peloton. We were all together, but spread out. I couldn't see much because of sweat on my eyeglasses. At the next break area, R&S stayed with the peloton, and I stopped, not able to see them or anything else.
Back on the road. shifting my butt a bit to favor the unbroken rail. Another 20 miles, across the valley to the East side. Rest area; back on the road...
Suddenly, a ping as the broken rail falls out of the saddle and goes away. Then the rear of the saddle drops down as the second rail breaks off.
Now, I'm riding along with the floppy padded seat hanging onto the post. Mostly standing up, with little sits now and again. Then ping! and the pad falls off with the other broken rail. I pick up the parts and head on.
It's pretty obvious that I'm not going to ride up E. Dunne at this point. I'm considering doing the other big hill climb, which is a loop around Gilroy Hot Springs. Skipping the hills, it's about 25 miles back to home base.
I could have called for SAG, but I felt that, since I'd started the ride knowing that I had a problem, it was my responsiblity to get back, as long as I was able to do so. In the end, I decided to skip any extra hill climbing, and followed the route back to Gavilan college.
Standing up wasn't too bad, but it got old after a while. I had to go about 25 miles, I think. It's kind of funny, because on Tuesday, riding with Rune up Page Mill, I found standing up much easier.
I ended up hanging around the college from 11 to about 3pm; it was an awesome day, and I had a nice nap, laying in the shade. Plenty of Lasagna and ice cream too. Rune showed up early, because he'd gotten bad directions from one of the support people, and ended up missing the Hot Springs loop.
Looking over the day, Rune remarked that Rick rode 0%, I rode 50%, he rode 75%, and only Steve got the whole 100% ride. Even though I missed out on some great riding, I had a great time, and plan to try again next year.
On Monday, I took the saddle in to PA Bikes. I bought a new Terry, similar to my old one, but with Ti (Titanium?) rails. My buddy Adam called Terry to see if they'd give me any warranty credit, but their best offer was to redo the tubes for $25. Since the seat was pretty worn anyway (I was getting ready to replace it), I decided to pass.
Next long ride? TUC!