Sunday, February 7, 2010

I see ground


For the second time in less than a year, I experienced the ground approaching my head at about 20mph. :(

Steve and I have been practicing for the Solvang 100, in mid-March. Today we went up along Crystal Springs resevoir, all the way to Millbrae avenue, and back. It was a beautiful morning, and we had a great ride.

On the way back, just after turning from Hwy 9 onto Canada road, the road is blocked for cars, so that cyclists can enjoy it. At the end of the road, there are some cones, and a water stand set up. As we came up to it, Steve and I got our club biking signals crossed -- he turned left to get a drink, and I (not paying attention) piled into him at full speed.

The bikes survived fine. I have to check, but Steve had a sore elbow -- hopefully it's been managed with some ice and Advil.

Somehow, I managed to land on my head and my rear. After half a day, lots of ice and Advil, I'm feeling OK, but I think I'll work from home tomorrow, from a prone position. I'd post a photograph, but I think that we can skip a picture of my bruised ass. The head is as lovely as ever. ;-)

My first thought after hitting the ground was: I really don't want to get used to smacking my head on the asphalt.

Also, I'm beginning to think that white tires can kill.