Monday, June 8, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I've been cleared to ride for about 3 weeks now. I was nervous going in for the X-Ray, but it turns out that my bone healed up fine. The little twinges were just damaged tissue trying to find its way back together.

Even though the spinning class was useful -- I really think it made a difference in my riding -- I have not been back. Who wants to drive 30 minutes so they can ride a stationary bike? Then another 30 minutes to get home. I just can't get too excited about it.

So this Sunday, Steve, Patrick and I rode the Metric Century version of the Sequoia. Up Redwood Gulch/Hwy 9 to Skyline, over and down Alpine, San Gregorio, Tunitas, and back to the VA. It was fun, and a bit chilly.

Going up Tunitas, my shoulder hurt a bit, from putting lots of weight on it for a long time. Coming down King's, I found myself suffering from PTSD, ask I kept envisioning myself flying over the handlebars. _Hopefully_ I'll get over that -- it was not nice.

We finished the loop in about 5 hours ride-time, plus 1/2 hour dining time. Steve and Patrick were both a bit faster, and waited for me at the tops of things.

I leave you with this deep question: Why do they ALWAYS serve Lime Gatorade instead of Fruit Punch flavor?


Patrick said...

funny...I quite enjoyed the lime Gatorade as I have avoided it for the past dozen years or so.

Pickled Herring said...

I'm with David, if it's Gatorade I want the fruit punch but the orange one is OK also.

It was great to see David out again!