Sunday, February 7, 2010

I see ground


For the second time in less than a year, I experienced the ground approaching my head at about 20mph. :(

Steve and I have been practicing for the Solvang 100, in mid-March. Today we went up along Crystal Springs resevoir, all the way to Millbrae avenue, and back. It was a beautiful morning, and we had a great ride.

On the way back, just after turning from Hwy 9 onto Canada road, the road is blocked for cars, so that cyclists can enjoy it. At the end of the road, there are some cones, and a water stand set up. As we came up to it, Steve and I got our club biking signals crossed -- he turned left to get a drink, and I (not paying attention) piled into him at full speed.

The bikes survived fine. I have to check, but Steve had a sore elbow -- hopefully it's been managed with some ice and Advil.

Somehow, I managed to land on my head and my rear. After half a day, lots of ice and Advil, I'm feeling OK, but I think I'll work from home tomorrow, from a prone position. I'd post a photograph, but I think that we can skip a picture of my bruised ass. The head is as lovely as ever. ;-)

My first thought after hitting the ground was: I really don't want to get used to smacking my head on the asphalt.

Also, I'm beginning to think that white tires can kill.


Miss Dragonfly said...
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Miss Dragonfly said...

I'm having trouble envisioning the impact, considering the injury description. This is why we need more helmet cams! Hope you feel better soon.

Patrick said...

Recumbent bike for you (closer to the ground = not so far to fall!)

Sour and Green Doctor Pickle said...

It was a somewhat glancing blow. Big mass coming from behind. :-P

Steve hurt his elbow and knee, but he's not as much of a whiner as I am.

Meanwhile, the bruises are mostly gone by now. A week of XC-skiing helped, though every time I fell, I landed on my sore ass.

The longest-to-heal injury seems to stem from having my iPhone in my back jersey pocket. Reminicent of Phil's Deer Crash.

Steve and I are looking forward to Solvang, though I think we'll be two tired and slow codgers, given our training regimen so far.